High-Speed Recovery from Depression and Anxiety

Are you suffering from Depression and/or Anxiety?

You have achieved many things in your life. You’re ambitious, driven and intelligent. You may have many successes in your professional career and you have a history of overcoming challenges through hard work. Yet, you feel like you are never good enough, no matter how much you achieve. Maybe you’re plagued by fears of what could go wrong, with “what-if-what-if-what-if?” thoughts running through your mind most of the day. Or maybe you are unable to enjoy the success you’ve worked so hard for because of fear of what could go wrong, or an overwhelming sense of worthlessness.

You are not alone! Many people who experience depression and anxiety think that they have these problems because:

  • “My worrying is necessary to protect me from getting complacent so I can maintain my high standards. I need to protect all the hard work I have done to be successful.”

  • “There is really something wrong with me. At some deep level, I’m defective and my worth as a person is dependent on my achievements.”

  • “Anxiety is bad for me and I need to do whatever I can to push these feelings away. I must avoid the thoughts, people, places and situations that make me feel anxious in order to control my anxiety.”

The truth is, your feelings of fear and worthlessness are not caused by personal defects or shortcomings. These feelings are caused by self-defeating beliefs that lead to automatic negative thoughts. The automatic thoughts that cause depression and anxiety usually have something about them that is not true. The anxiety you experience only gets worse when you try to push it away. The more you resist and avoid anxiety, the bigger it becomes until it takes over and stops you from living the kind of life you want.

Real, long-lasting change is available

You can end your problems with depression and anxiety, and you can feel better rapidly. I can give you the tools of TEAM-CBT, which are highly effective and evidence-based, which means there is real scientific evidence that these methods work. One of the great things about using TEAM is that I have methods to help you lower any normal resistance to change, so any tools we use in therapy will have a very high success rate and you can get the help you need rapidly. Finally, I’ll make sure you have the tools you need to help yourself, so you will become your own therapist and be able to help yourself any time you have problems with depression and anxiety.

Start living the life you want

Every week, I see patients I work with end their struggles with mood problems and live their lives joyfully, free from the pain of depression and anxiety. Here is what a recent patient said about his work with me:

“I developed sleeplessness, anxiety and depression post-COVID 19 infection. I went through talk therapy, medications and nothing helped as much as TEAM-CBT from the Feeling Good Institute with a trained and professional therapist like Kevin. Kevin was very thorough and committed in his approach and all it took was 4 to 5 sessions. I could notice that my measured anxiety and depression decreased significantly after each session. Also, I was provided tools and techniques that allowed me to manage anxiety lifelong. I was also provided relapse prevention training which came in handy as well. While the per session cost might look expensive at front, it is very effective and and all it takes is a few sessions. If not for CBT, I do not know how much money I would have spent on talk therapy, which did not make much of a difference in my scenario. The only pre-requisite is a strong commitment from the patient to follow and practice the techniques. My reliance on medication for sleep and anxiety has significantly reduced and I am confident that I will completely wean-off from medication soon.” —Paul Subbu, Sunnyvale, CA

3 Treatment Options

1) Weekly 110-minute Sessions. This is the ideal option for weekly therapy. Traditionally, therapy has been offered in weekly 50-minute sessions. With 110-minute sessions, we can get much more done in one session and the course of therapy will be shorter.

2) Weekly 50-minute Sessions. Some clients are not able to do 110-minute sessions because of scheduling limitations. We can make excellent progress with shorter sessions, but the course of therapy will take more weeks to complete than if we used 110-minute sessions.

3) Therapy Intensives. Intensive Therapy is the best way to make a lot of progress in a short amount of time. I will work with you to set specific, achievable goals we can complete in one to two weeks. A typical online video therapy intensive is 12 hours over the course of two weeks. You can learn and practice the tools to reduce depression and anxiety and learn what to do in case of relapses.

The first step is to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. This will give me the chance to learn about you and your therapy goals, and tell you about me and the way I would work with you to achieve your goals.

Find recovery from Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia and Relationship Problems with counseling from Kevin Cornelius, LMFT in Mountain View, CA and anywhere in California with online video therapy